Reiki Cairns Teaching Usui Shiki Ryoho, the gentle folk healing art of Reiki

Reiki Workshops: Beginnings

Over many years I have watched as friends and students awakened a search for deeper truths in their lives following their encounter with the practice of Reiki. I also observed time and again as that searching often led them to some other practice or another healing system.

It was always a puzzle for me when they said they needed to do this for their “spiritual development”, or because the new practice had more of what they needed. This was simply not my experience, that these things were missing in the Reiki practice.

I had perhaps been fortunate to know other masters around the world with long experience of the Usui System (Reiki), who had known Hawayo Takata, were students of hers. Their way of being, their quiet wisdom gained from this simple practice, showed me that there were depths in what I was practising that I had yet to experience. Time and practice proved this to be so.

Over the years, these experiences became the inspiration to create learning experiences that would serve to support others in the exploration of their practice, using the simple basics of the Reiki frameworks that they already know and use. One of the essential elements in the presentation of these workshops, is to honour the path and experience of participants who may have different ways with the Reiki practice.

The Heart of Being
Series Workshops


The workshops are not formal classes in the Usui System (not 'Reiki classes'), nor are they additional teaching to the first or second degree class. No techniques are taught, nor is there teaching in the usual sense of the word. What these workshops offer is a unique facilitated journey of discovery into one’s own personal form of practice, and the potential for a deepening in knowledge and experience of self.

The experience may sometimes prove challenging, but ultimately will nurture and take you to a different place in your personal practice. The challenge is to discover the inner wisdom that lies in the very heart of every one of us, which is the way of this practice.

These workshops may be attended more than once, the experience is always different because we ourselves are different over time. Students of all forms of Reiki practice are welcome to attend.

The minimum requirement is to have taken a first degree class, as the
Heart of Being series workshops assumes experience of the hands-on-healing practice and basics acquired in a first degree class.

For the workshops on offer, go to the Series page.